
Brainspotting Therapy Fort Myers

What is Brainspotting?

Brainspotting (BSP) is a powerful, focused treatment method that works by identifying, processing and releasing core neurophysiological sources of emotional/physical pain, trauma, anxiety, and a variety of other challenging symptoms. 

BSP makes use of the natural phenomenon of where you look affects how you feel through it’s use of relevant eye positions. Together the therapist and client pair a fixed eye position and body sensation to unresolved issues. The rapid, highly effective mind/body centered therapy technique appears to go beyond cognitive awareness and connects to the body’s innate wisdom to heal itself. 

An unresolved issue is like a closed/locked file in the brain. The brain can’t work on resolving the issue when the file is closed/locked. The Brainspotting correlates to where the unprocessed file is held in the brain. Your eyes are part of your brain which have been placed on the outside edge of the brain and they have direct access to the brain through the visual field. Finding the correct eye position allows the file to be first found, and then opened, and held open while the brain’s innate healing capacity goes to work and can then resolve and integrate that healing before closing the file again in a new regulated resolved form. Brainspotting can be used to not only heal trauma, reduce anxiety and depression, bust also can be used to enhance performance, creativity, and can create regulation in your brain and body.

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