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Mental Health Therapy Services Fort Myers

Life is unpredictable, often throwing us off course when we least expect it. Bouncing back from disappointment and difficulty can sometimes feel overwhelming. We are not always able to change our outer circumstances, however, we do have the power to change our response to difficulties. Being flexible in our response allows us to shift out of our automatic, habitual and quick reactivity into a more skillful response. Engaging in therapy can help with facing those challenges with a positive, healthy mind set. The healthier our mind, the healthier our relationships will be.
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Mental Health Therapist Val Gill in Fort Myers, FL


Owner, MA, LMHC

I am a licensed mental health counselor with 19+ years of experience working with clients with a variety of concerns. I received my Masters of Arts in Mental Health Counseling from Florida Gulf Coast University. I have experience working with clients of all ages and backgrounds.

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22 Nov, 2021
What if you never had to get caught up in the angst of the world? Not be controlled by anxiety, fear, and stress? What if you were able to manage the unpredictability of life with calm and ease? What if you were able to see solutions to stressful situations more clearly? This, my friends, is doable. Easily doable. Meet Larry Witzleben LMT, CPT, Orthopedic Massage Therapist and Polarity Therapist, who has created a unique nervous system treatment called A Whole-Body Reset!™ which does exactly that: takes you out of fight-or-flight mode once and for all. What began for Larry as a way to help people unplug from their cell phones, grew into a program for treating and preempting all manner of stress and anxiety. This treatment literally takes you out of fight-or-flight mode, allowing you to manage stress with more equanimity and clarity. Larry is just around the corner, in the same building as Val. A Whole-Body Reset!™ is a hands-on treatment that takes place on a massage table. All you take off are your shoes. In just 30 minutes, your nervous system and whole body will reset to their natural state. You'll feel rested, refreshed. and deeply calm. This sense of peacefulness will go with you. The benefit is cumulative; the calm will deepen and last a little longer each time as it becomes your dependable norm. A Whole-Body Reset!™is an ideal companion for cognitive therapy and ideal self-care for therapists themselves. Call Larry at 407-595-4035, to learn more and to schedule a session. “I experienced a session with Larry that surprised me; in just 30 minutes I felt my nervous system downshift and my mind relax and open; I felt a natural letting go of tension in both mind and body” ~ Val Gill, LMHC
By Val Gill 17 Mar, 2020
These days, it’s not unusual to feel sad or stressed from time to time. The modern world can be tough to deal with. However, when those moods start to happen more frequently, you need to do something about it. ​For many people, that something is a vacation. You know that traveling is fun, but it can also improve your mental health well after the trip has come and gone. Here’s why traveling can help your mental health — and how you can make the most of your time off. ​ You Need Some Time Off Stress is a normal part of modern life, but it can cause some damage to your body and mind. As Psychology Today explains, too much stress in your life can lead to problems like insomnia, depression, and illness. What’s worse is how this can lead to a downward spiral where getting stressed makes you ill, which only makes you more stressed. This is where traveling can help. When you head out for a vacation, even for just a few days, your stress level starts to drop. Seeing new places, exploring new restaurants and bars, even just staying in a hotel can all help improve your mental health. This is especially true when you are in addiction recovery or need some time for self-healing. Getting away from your usual behaviors and haunts can help you revive your inner peace while keeping away from bad habits. Getting The Most From Your Vacation But not every trip is the same. How can you get the most from your precious vacation days? The first thing you need to do is plan. Explore your travel options, including different locations and amenities. If you love the ocean, a trip to the beach or even a lake can do wonders for you. If you prefer the city life, pick a city you haven’t been to before. In fact, TheMuse.com explains that the anticipation of vacations can improve your mental health. Smarter Travel also has a list of five ways to make your vacation wonderful, such as: Don’t overplan your trip. Instead, include some downtime and space between events or hot spots so you don’t feel rushed or stressed. Remember that many people online leave bad or great reviews that either aren’t real or are simply from their perspective. Skip locations on big travel times like New Orleans in Mardi Gras or Florida during spring break. Costs are higher, and the crowds can be stressful. Instead, go to places during off-peak times of the year. You should also consider getting outdoors, such as camping or just visiting a national park. Bringing Your Pet Going somewhere special can really improve your mental health, but what if you’re worried about leaving your pet behind? Believe it or not, many people can bring their pet along for the trip. In fact, one great idea is to visit nature with your pet. By combining the healing effects of nature and spending time with your pet, you can improve your mental health. Start Planning Your Trip TodayThere are a lot of mental health benefits to traveling — if you do it right. Start by planning your trip and picking a great destination. Don’t overplan, and go where there aren’t so many tourists. You should also consider enjoying nature and bringing your pet. When you finally get back home, you’ll be rested and ready to get back to life. Author: Henry Moore; Fit Well Traveler Henry@fitwelltraveler.com
By Val Gill 17 Mar, 2020
Hello my friends….I am so grateful that I am able to sit on my sofa and write to all of you….last week at this time I was not confident that I would have a home, let alone a sofa, to come back to. Now that the storm has passed and I am settling back into my life, I am allowing some time to reflect on what this experience has given and not what it took…for me it is a tremendous amount of gratitude, love and compassion…..gratitude for each new day and with it the opportunity to contribute to my community in some meaningful way, love for my family and friends, and compassion for those who struggle to face each day due to poverty, sickness, loneliness, or devastating loss…..after the storm passed, for a few days I was inconvenienced because I did not have power……not having the luxury of electricity allowed me to spend quality time with my family…..to be in the moment, just as is, to practice non attachment and radical acceptance. During that time, there were moments of tension and stress, but we were together and it was authentic, and real and honest, and we accepted each other as is…So my friends I may have lost power for a few days, some shingles from my roof, and a few trees…..in return I have been reminded of just how precious life is and what matters most…family and friends, my beloved dogs, love, community, kindness….and to be present for it all….for the joy and the stress…..in any given moment what’s wrong is always available…..but if we allow ourselves to be open to the experience, we can also find what is right. With peace & love, ​Val
By Val Gill 17 Mar, 2020
Three ways to be present.... ​1. Observe. Take a moment to look around...notice your coffee cup, your phone, or a book sitting on your desk. For 60 seconds just notice it, feel it, observe it without judging it. Don't think about whether you like it, don't like, want to move it, just notice it and observe it for what it is in this moment... 2. Count to 10. Close your eye, take a deep breath and slowly count to 10. Repeat this a few times throughout your day...thoughts will creep in...that's ok, don't try to stop them....just notice them for what they are...just thoughts...let them pass....without attaching to them...just watch them as you would clouds passing through the sky....leaving nothing but clear blue sky.... 3. 60 second meditation. Take a comfortable position, close your eyes and take a deep breath....noticing the natural rhythm of your inhale and exhale...like a waves washing against the shore...slowly coming in....slowly going out....just observe.... Try one or all of these over the next week....you might be surprised by what you discover...be well my friends... With love & peace, Val
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